Yin Yoga... Bringing Balance Back into Your Life

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The first thing that I do every morning is check my phone for texts, email, then facebook etc.  I know this not the ideal way to start the day but I also know that this ritual is very common. In the world we live in today, with all of this amazing technology, we are bombarded 24/7 with information. Some of it is helpful and some of it, not so much… Regardless, our brains are constantly processing information. Often the information that we are receiving triggers thoughts, feelings and emotions in our body based upon long standing beliefs. Some of those beliefs do not serve us anymore and may cause anxiety and stress. This is where the practice of Yin can be so healing for the mind and body. It is a 60-minute silent mediation and slow stretching with a chance to just be in the moment. The postures done in Yin are mostly on the floor and are held for 3 to 5 minutes. Each of the postures are intended to stretch the deep connective tissues of the body, the fascia and ligaments. Bringing back range of motion and flexibility to the legs, hips and lower back. The postures also target the meridians in the body allowing for opening of the energy channels that tend to get blocked in day to day life. Your mind and brain waves will slow down and will put you in a zen like state. It is in this state where you can begin to  bring awareness to your thought patterns and habits that no longer serve you. This is the pathway to making shifts in your perspective and the way you respond to your environment and deal with your relationships.

Some of the benefits of Yin yoga are:

  • Calming and balancing to the mind and body

  • Regulating energy in the body

  • Increasing range of motion

  • Lowering of stress levels

  • More flexibility in joints & connective tissue

  • Help with TMJ and migraines

  • Deeper Relaxation

  • Better ability to sit for meditation

  • Yin yoga teaches you how to really listen to your mind and your body and to accept what is in the given moment.

So take that hour out for yourself and practice Yin to explore your body and your mind. The one hour is a huge investment in your physical, mental and emotional health.

See you on your mat 

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