News and events.
If you have any issues booking classes, please come to class anyway.
Here is a link to the scheule and booking system click here. If you have any difficulty booking class, you can e-mail me
Here's how to cancel a booking step by step:
Open the Walla App and select "Bookings"
Choose the class or appointment from "Upcoming Bookings"
Tap "Cancel"
Confirm the cancellation
Select "Yes, confirm" to complete or "No, do not cancel" to keep the booking
Once canceled, a confirmation pop-up will appear
Tap "Done"
Feb 27th 2025
New perk for yearly, members, and an update to the guest policy.
I am replacing, "bring a friend to one of each type of class at no charge" to You get a free intro month for a friend or family member.
Now Offering Private Classes. Let us know and we are happy to help.
The Following is a list of Special Events.
Special Event with Alicia Mazzone
March 2nd. 2025
Three Trees Event Saturday March 22nd, 2025. 6:30pm-8:30pm
Our community lost a beautiful yoga teacher, Melissa Hathaway to
metastatic breast cancer in April 2023. We will be holding donation only classes
to help support her children.
If you had a 5 star experience, we would love a Google review, here is a link
If we do not deserve 5 stars, please let me know what we can do better.
As seen on TV! Sam did a class for Worcester public TV.
Hot Yoga Auburn
We are on a mission to help people feel ageless and find abundant energy by offering powerful classes, taught by experienced instructors that will motivate, encourage, and help you discover your unlimited potential.
Our classes are powerful, uplifting, and give you the opportunity to transform from the inside out. We cultivate a community of people living strong, vibrant, confident lives in full support of each other. We are here to help you discover your unlimited potential. We are devoted to help NEW students by encouraging them, because we know how hard it can be to start something new and keep showing up. We are inspired every day when you make the decision to walk through our door and roll out your mat. We’re here for you.